The Common Sense Diet
Wheat Germ Oil Capsules
(included in Chapter Fifteen)

Copyright © December 6, 2019 and March 2, 2020
by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.
All Rights Reserved.

The following is not medical advice nor is it a medical recommendation.
Please consult a licensed medical practitioner to have your medical questions answered.


Although wheat germ has many impressive health benefits, it is not for everyone.
  1. People who have an allergy or intolerance to wheat or gluten should avoid wheat germ supplements.
  2. Wheat germ contains triglycerides and therefore it should not be used by people with heart disease.
  3. When ingested, wheat germ may cause mild side effects in some people such as nausea or diarrhea.
  4. When applied externally to the skin some people may experience an allergic skin reaction.
Consult your doctor before using wheat germ. If your doctor approves the use of wheat germ then you should begin using it in very small amounts to determine if you are allergic to it before using it regularly in normal amounts.


Supplements, such as wheat germ oil, are not supervised by the government and therefore the producers and sellers of supplements can make claims about their supplements that may or may not be true.

Wheat germ oil has a feel or consistency similar to olive oil, and a dark golden yellow color. It has a mild wheat smell and an oily nutty wheat taste. When you first purchase a new brand of wheat germ oil capsules you should crush or cut one capsule and verify that the oil has the correct feel, color, smell, and taste. If it doesn't then what you purchased is not pure wheat germ oil and it may not produce the many health benefits of real wheat germ oil.

Wheat germ oil that is derived using a "cold pressing" process is clean, and it does not require any added chemicals, and it preserves all the nutrients and fatty acids in the oil because many nutrients are degraded or destroyed by heat. Oil from organically grown wheat will not contain any residue from artificial fertilizers or from commercial pesticides. However, I could not find any "cold pressed" oil that was made from organically grown wheat.

Wheat germ oil is perishable. Wheat germ oil capsules should be stored in a cool dry place and they should not be exposed to intense light. The vitamins and nutrients in wheat germ oil are heat sensitive and they will degrade or be destroyed by heat, or when exposed to the air, or when exposed to an intense light. This is why most wheat germ oil capsules are sold in a container that is not transparent in order to protect the oil from light. A capsule helps to protect the oil from air. Store the capsules in a cool dry place but not in the refrigerator.

When exposed to heat many of the healthy nutrients in wheat germ are degraded or destroyed. Therefore if you desire the maximum health benefit from wheat germ oil then it should not be used as a cooking oil or added to baked goods.

Wheat germ oil can be used both internally and externally. Wheat germ oil may have all of the following health benefits:
  1. Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory: It contains omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Brain and Nerve Functions: It may help to enhance the function of the brain and the nervous system. It may help to minimize the effects of stress. It may reduce the risk of dementia.
  3. Cardiovascular System: It may help to create healthy red blood cells. It may help to improve the circulation of blood in the body. It may help to control blood sugar levels. It may help to normalize blood pressure. It may help decrease bad LDL cholesterol and increase good HDL cholesterol. This may help to reduce the buildup of plaque inside the arteries which may help to prevent hardening of the arteries and improve heart health.
  4. Cellular Metabolism: It may help to repair damaged cells. It contains the vitamins B1, B3, and B9 which are essential to cellular metabolism and which may improve alertness and energy levels, and facilitate weight loss.
  5. Digestion: It contains fiber which is essential to the proper function of the digestive system and fiber also helps to prevent constipation.
  6. Disease Prevention: It may help reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and neurological disorders.
  7. Energy, Stamina, and Strength: It may help enhance athletic performance.
  8. Hair: It may help to improve the health of hair, and it may help to repair damaged hair. It may help to enhance the growth of hair and minimize hair loss.
  9. Immune System: It may be an immunity booster. It may help to destroy free radicals and prevent other germs from multiplying.
  10. Muscles: It contains protein which helps to build new muscles and repair existing muscles.
  11. Fertility, Pregnancy, and Birth Defects: It may enhance fertility. It contains folates which facilitate a healthy pregnancy and reduces the risk of neural defects in the baby. It may help to prevent miscarriage and impotence. When applied externally to the skin it may help to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.
  12. Skin: When consumed it may help to improve the condition and health of the skin. When applied externally to the skin it may help to reduce wrinkles and it may improve the appearance of blemishes and scars. It may help relieve dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, and sunburn.
  13. Vitamin E: It is a good source of vitamin E. Vitamin E has a lot of positive health benefits including the slowing down of the normal aging process.
  14. Weight Loss: It may enhance your metabolism and help to reduce the extra fat on your body. It may also help by supplying one or more essential ingredients your body may not be receiving and thereby reduce your appetite.
Wheat germ oil is an oil and it is not a solid. Any company that advertises dry wheat germ is selling something that has been refined and that product may or may not have all the health benefits you desire.

Wheat germ oil capsules are extremely difficult to find at local pharmacies and at health food stores, including GNC. You will probably have to shop online.

The following five brands of "cold pressed" wheat germ oil in soft gelatin capsules are available on Amazon and they were the only brands of "cold pressed" wheat germ oil that I could find on Amazon.

Wheat Germ Oil Softgel Capsules

Comparison of the Above Five Brands of "Cold Pressed" Wheat Germ Oil Available on Amazon
All softgel capsules are oval, 15/16 inch long, and 3/8 inch round in the middle.

Brand =Best NaturalsPuritan's PrideSolgarSwanson EFAsWholistic Botanicals
Number of Softgels 120 100 100 60 60
Cost per Bottle (Dec. 2019) $13.49 $10.16 $16.37 $9.26 $15.99
Cost per Softgel $0.1124 $0.1016 $0.1637 $0.1543 $0.2665
Calories 10 10 10 10 10
Total Fat 1 g 1 g 1 g 1 g 1 g
Vitamin E Yes ? ? 10 % 7 %
Listed Ingredients:
Wheat Germ Oil 1130 mg 1130 mg 1130 mg 1130 mg 1130 mg
Gelatin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Vegetable Glycerin Yes Yes Yes No No
Glycerin No No No Yes No
Glycero No No No No Yes
Purified Water Yes No No Yes Yes
Natural Caramel Color Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Softgel Capsule Color: CLY VDB VDB VDB CLY
Oil Characteristics:
Feel Oily Oily Oily Oily Oily

Softgel Capsule Colors: CLY = Clear Light Yellow, VDB = Very Dark Brown

Oil Characteristics: A softgel capsule of each brand of wheat germ oil was cut open and the oil was squeezed out.
Color: AC = Almost Clear, VMYT = Very Minor Yellow Tint, DGY = Dark Golden Yellow.
Smell: NS = Negligible or No Smell, MS = Mild Smell.
Taste: NT = Negligible or No Taste, NWT = Nutty Wheat Taste.

Wheat germ oil should have an oily feel, a dark golden yellow color, a mild nutty smell, and a nutty wheat taste. Wheat germ oil should be rich in vitamin E.

All five brands felt oily.

The Swanson EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) was the only brand that had the correct color, smell, and taste of wheat germ oil.

The other four brands had no noticeable color, smell, or taste.

The Swanson EFAs brand contains 10% of the RDA of vitamin E. The Wholistic Botanicals brand contains 7% of the RDA of vitamin E. The Best Naturals brand states that it contains vitamin E but it does not indicate how much. The other two brands do not mention any vitamin E.

The Puritan's Pride brand does not indicate that it was "cold pressed" on the bottle label. "Cold pressing" is only mentioned in the "Product Description" on the Amazon page that advertises this product.

Natural caramel color is not the same thing as caramel color that is made from ammonia. Caramel color made from ammonia may increase the risk of cancer.


Swanson EFA Wheat Germ Oil Based on the above very simple analysis, the Swanson EFAs brand has all of the easily identifiable characteristics of wheat germ oil, and it has the most vitamin E.

Swanson EFAs brand also has a reasonable average price per capsule, and it is not too cheap or too expensive.

Swanson EFAs "Cold-Pressed" Wheat Germ Oil softgel capsules can be purchased on Amazon at the following link:

I do not earn a commission or a fee of any kind if you click on the above link or if you purchase the item at the above link.
The above link is being provided solely for the convenience of my readers who might be interested in purchasing this product online.

My Personal Experience

My personal experience with the Swanson EFAs brand of wheat germ oil capsules at the end of the year 2019 was very good. In the second month of my diet I began exercising. In the third month of my diet I began taking one Swanson EFAs wheat germ oil capsule each day. This was the only change I made during the third month of my diet.

During the entire third month (30 days) of my diet I lost 30% more weight than during the entire second month (30 days) of my diet. My opinion is that wheat germ oil does not contain some special ingredient that enhances weight loss. Instead my opinion is that wheat germ oil contains the healthy nutrients that are now missing from all commercially baked bread because of the time lag between when the wheat is ground into flour, and the flour is baked into bread, and the bread is delivered to the store, and the bread is gradually consumed by us. Some of the nutrients and vitamins in bread simply degrade with the passage of time and we no longer receive the true benefits of wheat that used to be ground into flour and then immediately baked into bread within one or two days, and then eaten within one or two days.

When I began taking wheat germ oil capsules the nutrients in the wheat germ oil were positively received by my body. Very gradually I began to realize that I did not get hungry as quickly as I used to, and I did not need to eat as often or as much as I used to eat before I began taking the wheat germ oil capsules. In my opinion this is the reason I lost 30% more weight during the 30 days after I began taking the Swanson EFAs wheat germ oil capsules.

If you decide to experiment with wheat germ oil capsules then you may or may not receive the same benefits I received.