The Common Sense Diet

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Diet Created by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.

Copyright © 2020 by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.
All Rights Reserved.

The Common Sense Diet does not contain any medical advice and it does not contain any medical recommendations.
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A Few Chapters in "The Common Sense Diet" Book

Chapter 1: Introduction to Weight Loss.

Chapter 13: Sugar Substitutes (part of chapter 13).

Chapter 15: Wheat Germ Oil Capsules (part of chapter 15).

Chapter 22: Bread, Cereal, and Pasta.

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ISBN: 978-1732788374
Type of Book: Paperback
Book Size: 6 inches by 9 inches
Number of Pages: 316
Normal Price: $12.95

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Book Description on

The Common Sense Diet is different from most other popular diets because the Common Sense Diet does not forbid the eating of any food you currently enjoy eating. However, foods that contain refined sugar such as candy, cookies, and similar sweets are not recommended.

The Common Sense Diet allows you to create a unique diet for yourself based on what you truly enjoy eating. This means you may eat meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts, bread, pasta, and dairy products if you enjoy eating these types of foods. The Common Sense diet also recommends that you include variety in each meal, and in your meals from day to day, and that you should not eat the same exact foods every day. The diet you create for yourself should enhance your short-term health, your long-term health, and it should help you gradually lose weight without being hungry all the time.

This book provides detailed information on a lot of different foods so you can strategically select the exact foods you prefer in order to create well-balanced meals that will enhance your health, and help you lose weight, and satisfy your hunger so you are not always thinking about food and your next meal.

Unlike other diets this book recommends modest simple exercises that will take about 2 or 3 minutes each morning so you can very gradually firm up your existing muscles, and create new muscles, without experiencing the pain and discomfort of sore muscles.

Will the Common Sense Diet actually work for you? I don't know. However, it worked for me. I created this diet, and I wrote this book, and I lost 50 pounds (22.7 kg) in five months without being hungry all the time. However, it was not unusual for me to get a little hungry just before my next regular meal.

If you have tried other diets and you did not like having some of your favorite foods on the forbidden food list, and you were hungry most of the time, and food occupied your thoughts during most of the day, and the diet didn't work for you in the long-term, and you gradually regained all the weight you lost, then perhaps now is the time to try something different. Instead of being told what you can eat and what you can't eat, perhaps being able to strategically and carefully select the foods you enjoy eating will help you gradually lose weight, and satisfy your hunger, and improve your health, and allow you to keep the weight you lose off your body for the rest of your life.

Preface to
The Common Sense Diet

Although I have read numerous scientific research studies about dieting and the health benefits of specific foods, this book only briefly summarizes a few of those research studies. I am 71 years old and most of this book is based on my successes and my failures when I actually tested a wide variety of "scientific" dieting advice on myself.

During my life there have been times when I was reasonably trim and healthy. But there have also been times in my life when I was overweight -- by 5 pounds at age 20, by 20 pounds at age 38, by 30 pounds at age 43, by 65 pounds at age 55, and by 110 pounds at age 70. My overweight problems increased as I aged. However at the ages of 20, 38, 43, and 55 I was able to bring my weight back down to what I considered to be very reasonable for a man with the amount of muscle I have on my body. Most of that muscle was acquired between the ages of 12 to 26 when I was extremely active and I participated in a lot of outdoor activities, such as canoeing, long-distance hiking, camping, riding bicycles, and playing tennis.

But after the age of 26 my family life dominated my daily activities and I became less active. This resulted in a very gradual weight gain each year until I would reach a point where I was very unhappy with my reflection in the mirror. Then I would read diet books and diet magazines, and I would listen to family and friends who had recently lost weight following some new diet. And I was always able to lose weight by eating more nutritious food and by exercising more regularly.

Because of my reoccurring weight problems I have always paid very close attention to anyone who talked about their actual experience following some type of diet. I also listened to true stories from people I knew who told me about one of their family members or friends who had lost a significant amount of weight following a “fad” diet and then the person died a few weeks after reaching their desired weight goal.

I have also had family members and friends who underwent surgical procedures to help them lose weight. But I made a personal decision that a surgical procedure was not an option for me.

After 50 years of reading diet books, and reading monthly diet magazines, and talking to people who had lost weight on a specific type of diet, I had gradually formed my own opinions about how to safely lose weight without sacrificing my health, and maybe even my life, by trying to lose weight in a reckless manner. In the year 2019, at the age of 70, I decided I would either lose weight in a common sense healthy manner or I would remain 110 pounds overweight.

At the age of 70 I also knew that my remaining years here on this earth were limited. And I did not want to spend those years being hungry most of the time, and not being able to think about anything except food most of the day. That helped me to decide that I was going to try to lose weight by eating low-calorie foods that I really enjoyed eating without worrying about whether or not the food contained dietary fat, or carbohydrates, or any other "forbidden" ingredient. I was also going to continue eating the Italian foods and the Mexican foods I really enjoyed but I was going to eat those foods in moderation. And I was going to continue eating bacon, beef, chicken, ham, turkey, beans, bread, cheese, corn, dairy, fruit, vegetables, nuts, and a limited amount of pasta, pizza, and potatoes. Finally I was going to continue drinking beer in moderation. Based on these parameters I put my new diet into action.

The good news is that my common sense approach to weight loss has been very successful for me and I am once again not ashamed to look at my reflection in the mirror. However, today a much slimmer, healthier, gray-haired old man is smiling back at me from the surface of the mirror. And I have the strength, energy, and stamina that I had 20 years ago. The reason is because I lost 50 pounds (22.7 kg) in 5 months without being hungry all the time. However, it was not unusual for me to get a little hungry just before my next regular meal.

My prayer is that the information in this book will help you lose weight without being hungry all the time, and that you will also be able to significantly improve your long-term health and your life expectancy.

Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.
March 2, 2020

Table of Contents

Chapter Page
1Introduction to Weight Loss 1
2 Scientific Research Studies 19
3 A Review of Popular Diets 23
4 The Common Sense Diet 33
5 Recommended Healthy Weight-Loss Friendly Foods 61
6 Beverages: Caffeine, Fruit Juices, Sodas, Water, & Alcohol 71
7 Calories 75
8 Dietary Fat 79
9 Cholesterol 83
10 Carbohydrates (Starches, Fiber, and Sugar) 85
11 Starches 89
12 Dietary Fiber 91
13 Sugar and Sugar Substitutes 95
14 Protein 103
15 Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, and Antioxidants 107
16 Salt, Black Pepper, Seasonings, Condiments, and Oils 127
17 Beef, Pork, Poultry, and Seafood 133
18 Vegetables, Salads, and Salad Dressings 147
19 Fruits 157
20 Dairy: Milk, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, and Yogurt 163
21 Grain: Corn, Oats, Rice, and Wheat 171
22 Bread, Cereal, and Pasta 181
23 Nuts and Seeds 197
24 Sweets and Snacks 205
25 Metabolism 211
26 Exercise and Sports 217
27 How to Reduce Tummy Fat and Decrease Your Waistline 241
28 Weight and Endurance, Strength, Fatigue, and Sex 243
29 Weight and Age, Gender, Health, and Life Expectancy 245
30 Weight Loss Slows Down, Stops, or Reverses 249
31 Weight Loss Goal and Weight Maintenance 253
32 We Are What We Eat 257
33 Conclusion 269
Appendix: Tables for RDA, Nutrition, and Calories Burned 271
Index 303
About the Author 310

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Grandpappy's Common Sense Diet Website
Last Updated: March 2, 2020
Copyright © 2020 by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E. - All Rights Reserved.